Departure by bus from the hotel from Sciacca to Palermo, the capital of the island with over 2500 years of history that make it one of the oldest cities in the world. Visit the main monuments of the city and the famous Botanical Garden with more than 12,000 species of different plants. Continue to the Monreale town, which is famous all over the world and assiduous tourists destination. Monreale Cathedral is really important, it is decorated with more than 6,000 qm gold mosaics, including Cristo Pantocreatore colossal mosaic.

Duration of the Excursion: Entire Day
Start time: 8:00

Up to 8 people Euro 40,00
Up to 19 people Euro 28,00
*excursion cost does not include meals, guides and entrance fees to museum and places of interest.

On request departure from other places.

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